How to benefit from a heartbreak

Paint the most emotional picture you can put to use, one day it may sell, write about how you 
feel, produce an album, a book, a movie with the pain you feel. It is at our lowest point that we 
are able to see out strength. Do not take the heartbreak for granted. The pain you feel on your 
chest when someone cheats on you is a call to bid. Send your mind a quotation of what you can 
offer with the pain that you are going through. After discovering that there was nothing I could
do to stop myself from hurting I decide to put it into good use. I hope you do the same. Do not 
hurt for nothing.

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Over the years I discovered that my heart is too fragile. Due to this weakness, I fell in love really
quick then I would get hurt just as quick. Like a little girl is, I just can't make my heart to not 
love hopelessly or to outgrow the pain. But one thing that I have been able to do is to benefit 
from my heart break. Many people would advise you to let go or to move on and many other 
things, but I say invest in that pain. Pain can be beautiful, pain can be a motivator. I usually say 
that a broken heart is the greatest motivator to success as compared to the desire to succeed.
I dare to believe that I have been heartbroken more times than any other average person; my 
feelings are easily broken, am easily offended. I am constantly broken but since I am constantly
broken, I use the pain as my drive, it helps me to move forward. The heart-break makes me feel 
human and helps me grow my businesses as well as improve my talents. I am an actress, a poet, a 
student as well as a designer. Am able to juggle all these thanks to pain. I don't fight pain, I Don't 
make it stop, I let it hurt, I let it distract my life. What I do is work. When I am very hurt about 
something I work. You can say people are different and you are right. But what if we weren't all 
that different as we think that we are?? Imagine, if your friend betrays you, then you allocate that 
pain in starting a hobby so that the time you used to spend with your friend is put to use. Don’t
you think that pain is working to your advantage? Many may say that's a bad way to deal with 
pain, if it is bad then what is the better way?
So here are my few steps on how to benefit from a heartbreak;

1: know why you are hurting

  • Our generation is an attention seeking generation. We want attention so bad up to the 

point which we pretend to be hurt by issues, but that's not something that one should 
invest in.

  • The loss of a relative is very painful. Our hearts may not recover so fast when this 

happens. Losing someone you have known all your life isn't easy. Here you get to know 
that you are hurting because you have lost someone. The reason why I am saying “know 
why you are hurting” is that many people find themselves hurting without reasons. For 
example, hurting because some guy that you like is talking to some girl that you don't like. 
Then you say you are hurting. That's not a reason enough and its not hurtful enough to 
drive you to greatness

2: Discover what works for you

  •  This is the step where you see how do you vent your anger? As for me I work hard, I 

write or I develop so many ideas that I wouldn't normally do when I am emotionally well.

  • Some of my friends love painting, others love swimming, there are even those who run.

Having these therapeutic hobbies is important. They are not just hobbies or things that we 
love. They are the therapists that we never pay for.
3: Do what you can to make a difference with your heartbreak

  • We are no longer in the age where people care how you feel. In our generation everyone 

is busy, there won't be someone who will invest all their time listening to your 
heartbreaking stories. Except you. You have the power to wallow in your pain or make a 
difference with your pain.
Paint the most emotional picture you can put to use, one day it may sell, write about how you 
feel, produce an album, a book, a movie with the pain you feel. It is at our lowest point that we 
are able to see out strength. Do not take the heartbreak for granted. The pain you feel on your 
chest when someone cheats on you is a call to bid. Send your mind a quotation of what you can 
offer with the pain that you are going through. After discovering that there was nothing I could
do to stop myself from hurting I decide to put it into good use. I hope you do the same. Do not 
hurt for nothing.


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